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Join the movement to cap the out-of-pocket insurance cost of insulin at $35 per month.

Update – On Thursday, March 31st, The House of Representative passed the Affordable Insulin Now Act. The bill will need bipartisan support to pass in the Senate. The Senate will likely vote on this legislation after the Easter break. 

In the annual State of the Union Address, President Biden called for a $35 price cap on the cost of insulin, an effort that diaTribe strongly supports. A price cap on insulin would limit the out-of-pocket insurance cost for people with diabetes so that more people living with the disease can afford this vital drug.

“Imagine what it’s like to look at your child who needs insulin and have no idea how you’re going to pay for it,” said Biden on Tuesday evening. As he spoke, he motioned to 13-year-old Joshua Davis and his father Brian, both in the audience and who both have type 1 diabetes. President Biden described how “drug companies charge families like Joshua and his Dad up to 30 times more [than the production cost of insulin].”

We have heard countless and unconscionable stories about the dangers of rationing insulin, yet one in four people who are insulin dependent have been forced to ration their insulin due to the unaffordable price. No person should ever feel the need to restrict their use of a drug that people with diabetes cannot manage to miss a single dose.

While we know that healthcare pricing is complicated and multifaceted, lowering the cost of insulin would be the quickest and simplest way to make insulin more affordable.

We ask you to join us in advocating for a $35 insulin price cap by emailing your Senators and Representatives urging them to pass the Affordable Insulin Now Act

diaTribe Change has long supported lowering the price of insulin, along with advocating for affordability around the drugs that people with diabetes need. We need your support now more than ever to continue the momentum that President Biden has added to the movement. You can help people with diabetes get the insulin that they need to survive; Join us in emailing Congress and advocating for a $35 insulin price cap. 

The current patchwork of state-level legislation and patient assistance programs is not enough in making insulin truly affordable. diaTribe Change will keep urging The White House and Congress to pass this legislation until it becomes a reality.